Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kaleidoscopes For Thursday

Here are two examples of ways I've used kaleidoscopes.

On the bottom are two separate kalei's. I often have a full set of about 10 I do in psp, and then I make one visible with each until I find new designs I like.

The top left kalei is with the bottom right one on top of the bottom left one. Then the second; the top right kalei -- is reversed, with the bottom left one on top.

You can use the whole kalei, or you can use any portion of it by just using your selection tool (I like using the point-to-point selection tool to just grab a small portion of one big one). After selecting, and making sure you are ON THE right RASTER LAYER, you simple copy, move to another layer or canvas, and paste.

Then you simply rotate, flip or mirror it whatever direction you wish. I often then duplicate it to make it look "firmer" and often sharpen it at that point.

Kaleidoscopes are great fun. I am totally addicted to them, creating many different ones almost everyday!

Have a great Thursday! It's all downhill from today! (In a good way, of course!)

See you tomorrow.

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