Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good morning,

These little kitties make a really cute addition to borders. Here's 2 I made today.

There are 3 days worth of graphics on my website (from being behind, as usual), but I'm caught up again.

My mornings are being taken up now with more things I have to do: like exercise! And I'm trying to work in a little more sleep. I often wake up at 1:30 am. I feel rested and ready to get up (I am an early-to-bed kind of person), but I'm forcing myself to stay in bed a little longer. I usually manage to go back to sleep one time: for either 1/2 an hour or 1 hour. When I wake up the second time, I get up. If I force myself to try to sleep longer, I wake up feeling fatigued and grouchy.

I have been this way for about the last 15-20 years now. Don't really want to change my sleeping patterns, because I like them. But I'm concerned that it may be part of my cholesterol problem.

I wanted to post something here I read today in my Woman's World (2/15/09 -- the page says but when I look at the front of the magazine; it is 2010 -- they goofed!). Pg. 25. And it's the only page with the error. I checked!

It's from an article called Recession Busters! Avoid big cellphone bills! I did not know this fact, and I'm sure you might not know it: Did you know that if you've been with the same provider for awhile, and I have, we could still be paying for old games and ringtones we downloaded years ago? Yep.

I've been with my service provider since I first got a cell phone. I know I had songs and games on that. And when I got my next new phone, those were gone. I didn't know that some of these downloaded items come with a sneaky monthly subscription fee. I'll have to check my statement!

Hope you have a great Saturday. My daughter is moving today, and my granddaughter is spending a little time with her maternal grandpa, so I lose out today. They live closer to them, although my daughter will be moving slightly closer to me. But, in minutes away from her new home, her dad is still closer!

Enjoy today!

3 new free graphics each day
Take the journal-lane journey!

P.S. I wanted to thank a co-worker/friend at work! Melody! Thank you so much for the baby blanket you made for my daughter's baby due to arrive this spring. It is just beautiful! And the gift for my granddaughter, who will become a big sister, is wonderful. She bought her a tool for making items with yarn, and some PINK yarn to go with it. (And thanks for loaning me your CRAFTS 'N THINGS magazine.) You have a heart of gold.

Friday 2/12 Free Graphics, "Cat"-cerned

Good morning,

Feeling concerned ... or "cat"-cerned about a friend or family member? Use this for the front of your card!

This item is posted on my website today as well as items from Thurs 2/11 through today, Sat. 2/13. This card front is on 2 other patterns. I liked this one the best.

Hope your Friday was a good one. I was off, as I had a doctor's appointment. Cholesterol testing ... again. Actually rose slightly even though I'm eating really well.

I will be adding exercise now. Regularly. Walking and other things. I started with Zumba Advanced, but only got through 15 minutes. I will aim for 20 minutes today, and work my way up.

Triglycerides are a funny thing. Mine keep going up! It's a type of fat in blood that the body uses for energy. While we need triglycerides, too high can raise your risk of heart disease. I did a little research yesterday. Concerned over how I can LOWER them.

It said that too high triglycerides could be a sign of metabolic syndrome. More research. It suggests a low-calorie diet. I'm already eating the right things: lots of fruits and vegetables, whole-grains, less meat, more salmon and even Morning Star Farms products (meatless meats). More beans, and lots of salads. It is frustrating. (And ... of course, I should quit smoking! And I don't drink much alcohol at all, anymore.)

Oh well. I have another 3 months to see improvement or my meds go up.

Hope you had a great Friday.

3 new free graphics each day
Take the journal-lane journey!

Thursday 2/11's Free Graphic: Ninja Frog

Good morning,

Back into my fantasy world! And Ninja Frog! He ALWAYS gets his man!

I was working on this creation when my husband walked in and said, "That looks like a Ninja Frog." And that's how he got his name. Just a little something for the boys!

Hope you all had a good Thursday.

The items for Thurs. 2/11 through today: Sat. 2/13 are on my website today.

Till the next post ... see ya!

3 free new graphics each day
Take the journal-lane journey!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday: 2/10/10: Wishing You Were Here

Good morning ... oh ... it is just now 12 noon. I hear the whistle blowing. So ... good afternoon!

For all those who are separated from their loved ones on Valentine's Day ... here's WISHING YOU WERE HERE!

Well, I took today off to maneuver around the possibility of MORE snow. So far, we don't have anything more.

I wish it would've just gone on and snowed like crazy. Let everything close, and send everyone home early. Oh well.

I am hoping that this is the last day I have to take annual leave for possible snow.

Our parking lot was not that great yesterday. The crew that is doing our snow cleaning is NOT as good as it was 2 years ago. I heard from a co-worker yesterday that it's because they are contracting it out now. We used to have an engineer in charge ... and he had a crew. They were on top of it all the time.

Since I've already fallen too many times ... and I never got my arm surgically fixed, and still have limitations with it, I have to be really careful. Also, I have osteoporosis in my spine ... and I just can't afford to be falling on slippery ground ... or anywhere else.

We have a good-bye party at work tomorrow for our district chief. He's moving to a new department, even though he hasn't been with us a year. We don't know who our next chief will be. I'm taking in hot dogs, coleslaw, and cookies. Need to get to the store to pick up those items today.

Friday, I am off, but not annual leave; thank heavens. I see my doctor in the morning, and there's tests to run. It won't be bad.

I'm longing for spring. I'm done with cold ... snow ... ice ... winds that cut like a knife ... and just ready for some green sproutings! And some springy new colors.

Have a really great day.

My daughter and her family are moving into a beautiful new home this Saturday. She is so excited!!!!

Have a wonderful day!

3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane Journey!

Tuesday 2/9/10: I'm IN Love!

Good morning,

Getting ready to wish someone a Happy Valentine's Day? This little creation is something kids might enjoy.

This little guy is in love ... and is expressing himself the best way he can.

While I am posting this day ... after the fact, I'd like to note here ... that we had another big snowstorm today.

The day didn't start off too bad, but by 9 or 10 am, it was snowing. Big, big flakes. And it snowed, and snowed, and snowed.

It began piling up quickly.

I knew it would probably make for a long trip home. And they were predicting more snow for Wednesday. Oh my! I certainly did not want to make that trip!

I left an hour early on Tuesday afternoon. It still took too long to get home, and I slid three times. Had I left at my regular time, there would have been more cars on the road ... and my second slide, would surely have been a collision! I'm so glad I left early. As it is, I bounced off the mound of snow at the corner where I turn onto the street leading into my subdivision. And then began sliding toward the cars waiting to turn left. Panic rose inside me, but I took my foot off the break, and just did my best to try to correct my slide. It worked.

But, I'm sure I caused a little concern to some of those sitting there ... waiting to make that left-hand turn. I'm sure they thought we were about to have a "close encounter".

A lot of co-workers were all talking about maybe calling off the next day. We have to call in and make contact with a supervisor. I thought, "What if the supervisors don't make it?" "What if everyone is calling off, and it's just too hard to reach someone?"

I decided it would just be smarter to put in another leave slip. So I did. After all, if our company DID close, I was allowed to simply tear up my leave slip.

I am really looking forward to winter ending. I am tired of using annual leave to get around snow days!

I made this creation here to add to my computer screen savers. For Tuesday's.

Hope you all have a terrific day.

3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane Journey!

Monday 2/8/10: My Heart Belongs To You.

Good morning,

Wishing my daughter a happy birthday on this day.

Getting closer to reaching today's post. Oh, how I hate it when I get behind!!!

My Heart Belongs To You is the creation for today. Like it? Snag it!

Have a great day. Valentine's Day is just around the corner! Find items on my website!

3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane Journey!

Sunday: 2/7/10: I think I Love YOU!

Good morning,

Today's offering is a bird I created for my daughter's birthday. But I just couldn't resist putting in the Valentine's Day offerings.

If you have a use for him ... go on and snag him!

Check out my website for all five days' offerings.

Take care.

3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane Journey!

Saturday: 2/6/10: I think I love YOU!

Good morning!

Posting 5 days today.

This first creation is, of course, for Valentine's Day.

Would make a cute card front!

Five days of graphics on my website. Check 'em

Have a great day.

3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane Journey!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday's Valentine's Day Graphics

Good morning,

Valentine's Day is coming ... coming ... coming!

It's time to start planning our cards.

Today, and for a time, some graphics to snag and use for your projects.

I like both of these very much. How would you use them?

Due to forecasting a big snowstorm due to hit our area, I took today off. I didn't want to take a chance of falling, and re-injurying my arm ... or my back.

So far, we've had a few snow flurries.

Oh. I just looked outside, and the ground is now covered, and it's snowing pretty good. We just might get that 4-6 inches they predicted.

Earlier, I was sure I'd wasted today by taking a day of vacation, but now I'm feeling better about it.

My car would have been covered by tonight, and the drive home would have been maddening.

I'll just wait it out in the warmth of my little home.

Here's a second creation for today.

Make today a great one!


3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane journey

For Thurs. 2/4/2010: Valentine's Day Graphics

Good morning,

Ah yes! Our kids love Valentine's Day as much as we do.

Decorating a box to hold their valentines? Grab some free graphics at my website.

Find today's graphics, and 4 days worth of graphics up today.

Have a great day.

3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane journey

For Wed. 2/3/2010: Valentine's elements

Good morning,

Valentine's Day is right around the corner.

Have you planned your cards yet?

Need some elements to decorate with? Grab them at my website ... today!


3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane journey

Happy Birthday, Ali-Cat!

For Tues. 2/2/2010: Valentine's Day is Coming

Good morning,

Just a little Valentine's Day posting with lots of elements on my website today.


3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane journey

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday --- And it's February: Free graphic for today

Good morning,

A quickie post for today. I still have 3 Journal-Lane entries to post!

It's been a busy weekend, but this is one creation I came up with that I'd like to use on a card.

It you like it, snag it.

It's back to work this morning after a busy weekend.

The month of January is now done. How fast it goes.

Hope to post some of the jewelry I made yesterday in tomorrow's post. Ah! Some truly original items! I just love 'em!

Have a great Monday!

3 new free graphics a day
Take the Journal-Lane journey!

Sunday: Empathy Fairie Paper

Good morning,

This goes with the creation from yesterday: Empathy Fairie. This is her patterned paper to be used in a project.

Hope your Sunday was a great one.

I was busy ... making jewelry! Ah, so much fun ... this and my art will help fill up my retirement years!

Have a good one!

3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane journey!

For Saturday: Empathy Fairie

Good morning!

I am busily posting 3 days this morning, as it was a very busy weekend.

This little creation took me most of Saturday to do. It's call "Empathy Fairie", and I was really pleased with how she turned out.

This one is not a free graphic, but just a post to share some other artwork I'm working towards. If you post her anywhere, please provide a link for using her (using this blog or my website.)

There are other free graphics on my website this morning; in fact, there are 3 days worth.

It's been a really busy weekend.

A co-worker at work needed some pictures scanned and made ready for a project another co-worker is putting together for a special birthday ... so I helped with the pictures. I hope I get to see the finished project!

My sister is having a birthday, and I've been working on her card.

And yesterday, I made jewelry. Several necklaces, some earrings, and one other little creation I call a mushroom flower. Now I need either a fairie for it ... or a frog.

Hope you had a great Saturday. Now ... to get up 2 more days.

3 new free graphics each day
Take the Journal-Lane journey!