Sunday, April 1, 2007

I created this "Royalty" icon yesterday.

It's funny how they come into creation sometimes.

I am a big fan of "kaleidoscopes". It's a tool inside PSP, for those of you that aren't familiar with it.

Royalty's hat is made from a design that popped up. I saw something in it I liked, cleaned it up, and when I was done, it looked like a hat. So I began working with it.

After the hat was done, the next logical step, to me, was to have a head under it. Viola! Her dress was also taken from a different kaleidoscope.

One of the methods I use when drawing sometimes is one I've used since I was a kid.

Have you ever laid on your back on a blanket and just looked at the clouds? I like to sit in the car on trips and look at them, too. You find pictures in them, and as they move, the pictures change.

Well. I use scribbing on a sheet of paper. Arm held loose and just scribble away. Then I study the picture as I would the clouds. Sometimes something pops out right away. Other times, I may turn it around, one side at a time. Something always pops out.

And then I know what I'm drawing. Once I have an idea, I just run with it.

As usual, since I love cartoons, it is usually "cartoon-style". Cartooning gives you so much room, and exaggeration is more than acceptable.

This fish below was done on my computer, freehand using my vectors in my program.

I signed up for a 3d art draw "2-year school" for kids. Mark Kistler said it's okay to be a kid at 108. I'm NOT 108, but I am a rather OLDER kid. I'm a grandma. You can find his school at

This fish is one of the things he teaches in his school. He has a PBS program series as well as 4 wonderful sketching books. I signed up for his classes to learn more about 3d drawing, shading, and perspective.

The fish was probably one of the first three or four lessons he taught. I'd already gone through about 15 items or so, and drew this one from memory. I had put my pages aways, and just went back to look at it. I was surprised how similar it still is to the original he taught.

Here it is in color, and one in shades of black and white.

Drawing is great fun! It's relaxing. A day without drawing is not much of a day for me.

I work hard every week. I work overtime when it's allowed. Working 100-105 hours every two weeks takes a lot out of you. So precious "early morning" hours give me time to get some creating in. That's why you see such early hours for my postings.

I happen to be lucky enough to work a "flexible" schedule. I start at 6 a.m. on the job, so find the "wee hours" of morning for MY TIME. I come home late. Often I don't leave work till 6 p.m., and am just too exhausted to get on my computer at night. When overtime ends, I will leave at 3 p.m. Then, I will probably find some late afternoon time, too!

That's it for today.

See you tomorrow!

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