Sunday, July 15, 2007

Cosmic Blob Sun For Sunday

Good morning!

Did a little playing in Cosmic Blobs yesterday.

Cosmic Blobs is like modeling with a piece of clay (the blob). It comes in several shapes. You can poke it in or out. You can pull shapes out of it. And you can draw 3 different type lines outside it and cut into it. It is an awesome program.

And it makes noises that kids would love. When I'm working in it, its easy to hear down the hall from my office into my living room.

I was having trouble rotating just one piece for awhile. But when you choose the rotate tool, I had to remember to let the mouse hoover over the item I wanted to rotate before trying to turn it. And I have to remember to use the left mouse button, and not the right one.

The right mouse button rotates all the pieces as well as the world it's in.

Like any program, it gets easier with practice. My husband walked in while I was playing in it, and said, "Oh. I see you're getting the hang of this now."

"Yes," I smiled. "I am. It's cool."

Cosmic Blobs also has its own animation program built in. It's really nice, but once you assign an animation to a character, it just produces too many frames to really put in here. You can make it go really slow though, and pause your character at certain points and then take a picture. In this way, I could make an animation from just those frames.

But since I pull it into psp to clean it up and then into Animation Shop, it's a lot of work. The sun above was going to be 4 frames, but after cleaning 2, I was done.

Cosmic Blobs comes two ways: the Lab Rat edition which is about $20 or The Deluxe Version which is about $40. I didn't know there was a deluxe version till I bought the Lab Rat edition. I may still end up buying the deluxe version anyway, since it has features mine does not. (At either price, it's an awesome price for an awesome program!)

You can make new stickers to put in your program by using Photo Impact, I believe, but Paint Shop Pro doesn't appear to do it. I may be wrong though. I have not been able to find a way to import it into Cosmic Blobs, but maybe the export option in PSP would do it. I'll have to try that. I am not sure what the file extension is, but I think I can use a bitmap.

I do not currently have Photo Impact, and am not familiar with it, so it would mean learning another new program. Oh well. Winter is coming eventually. Maybe that will be my project this year. And maybe you can only add stickers to the Deluxe version.

Have a great Sunday. I'll be back tomorrow!

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