Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Kitty Kitty

Good Morning!

And it is Wednesday. Ooohs and aaahs all around.

I'm taking a fair amount of pictures of the kitties that are coming to my house to be fed. This is one. My granddaughter is also enthralled with the kitties as well as picture-taking.

When she came for a little visit on Monday night, she added a picture to my collection I shall NOT forget. It was a picture of some weeds in our yard. Her reason? "To make sure papaw doesn't forget to cut them down."

Out of the kitties, we have 3 or 4 that stay pretty much in our yard, hiding, or just lazing on our deck. They run if we open the deck door to put food out, or just step out a minute, but are quite comfortable peering through the windowed-door into our home to see if we are here. While we've never made any attempt to touch or harm them, they are wary of us, and yet, curious about us at the same time. It is amusing at times.

So my creation today features one of these kitties. I believe this one is from the original batch that Sweetie (our wild mama cat) had. He/she started off looking stripped, but the main part of her body is now kind of a "mottled" pattern. She has the more full, bushy tail that her mama has, and is quite pretty.

We have a newer kitty (from another wild female cat) that has kind of a white-sheen all over her body. It's like the pattern hasn't quite set, and doesn't know yet, what it will be. This particular kitty is still small, and especially wonderful to watch. It, along with a new little black kitty is particularly fond of peering through the door window at us.

In this creation, I used a kalei around the kitty's head, and then some color behind that I did some special effects to. I liked the colors and outcome.

My husband and I registered our cell phones with Verizon's "do not call/share" list on Monday night. Protection for 5 years! I will be registering my home phone in the late spring of next year, as that 5 year protection will be up. I could do it this year, but I'd lose one year left on my protection, so I'll wait. That way, I'll be protected at home till 2013.

I, for one, would like to see companies put their customers first, even if it meant they wouldn't make the profit from "selling or sharing" our information. What happened to companies that decided their bottom line is more important than the people who BUY their services? I would think that if a company started up that cared only about their customers first and foremost, people would flock to their doors to make them their providers. I know I would. There is just so much greed in this world.

I am not against selling your services to people, but c'mon. Sell your services, but don't turn around and try to use those that fuel your income to make more income off of them! What a 2-faced approach. (And I don't think making your customers take action to stop from being used is acceptable either--although I take the action. Why should we have to "opt out"?)

Another thing I hate is buying something with my credit card, and then having them upsell by giving me FREE things (for one month or a set time period), and then automatically billing my credit card once the time frame is over. I no longer buy anything where I have to call to stop anything freely given.

Enough. I've said my piece for today.

Hope it's a great hump day for you ... and for me! Have a great day.

Back tomorrow.

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